Ranger Marching Band
The RMB is open to any 9th-12th grade student enrolled in one of the following FHC Ensembles: Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band, and Jazz Band.
The RMB cheers on the Rangers and entertains the crowd during the half-time show at all FHC home football games.
Check out the Family and Student Portal for videos and photos of rehearsals, performances, and other RMB events!
Important Dates
Some important dates to keep in mind for marching band season:
Mid-May - Our marching band season kicks off with a mandatory band camp meeting for students and parents
Late July - Pre-camp starts for our student leadership team and students who are new to our marching band
First week of August - Band camp!
Late August - Football season starts, which means our marching season starts along with it!
Late October - Our season closes with our annual Bandtasia show. You won’t want to miss it!
For specific dates and times of all band activities, see our Band calendar below and on our home page.